In Memoriam

In Loving Memory
Emperor 30
Shelby Williams
In Rest - 2022
Our Brother
Our Friend
Our Beloved Emperor
A special UCLSE Memorial Service was held for Shelby on January 29th, 2023.

In Loving Memory
Empress 28
Pam Steele-Adams
In Rest - March 2021
Our Dear Friend
Our Ally & Advocate
Our Beloved Empress
Pam, I will always remember your kind heart and giving soul. You took me into your family and gave me a shoulder to cry on. You will be missed my dear friend. - Anonymous
A beautiful heart, a beautiful woman and a great friend...I will miss our talks and your sense of humor, Rest In Peace. - Donna Dumae
What fun times we had over the years. You are an amazing woman. I will see you again someday. Rest in Glory and in Peace. - Wayne

In Loving Memory
Emperor 23
a.k.a. Mick Armstrong
In Rest - March 2021
Our Brother
Our Friend
Our Beloved Emperor
A funny man, dedicated to serving our community, and an incredible Emperor....thank you Maverick for reigning together. Rest In Peace. - Donna Dumae
What an amazing year you had in Reign 23 - you made that year fun and exciting. It was special knowing you as Mick in those early years and then as Emperor Maverick. Life brought many challenges and pray you have found peace and rest. - Wayne

In Loving Memory
Empress 38
Messy Panocha
a.k.a. Pancho Loza
Our Beautiful Flower
Our Dear Sister
Our Beloved Empress
A special UCLSE State Memorial Service and Celebration of Life will be scheduled at a future date when the SARS-COV-2 pandemic resolves.
How I treasured the many years of friendship and the passion you had for the community. You are missed. - Wayne