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From The Desk of His Majesty

From The Desk of Her Majesty

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Howdy y’all from Dallas Texas!

I am so exited and honored to be the 44th Emperor  elected by our community! 

“Uniting the Court, the Community and the Cause” is our reign theme this year and one of my goals as Emperor is to work more alongside other organizations; to be a stronger force that is able to reach out further into our community than ever before.

“It takes a village” and the dedicated hard-working members of Reign XLIV are ready help those that need us most. 

We raise money utilizing all sorts of “fun-draising” events from cookouts, lip-sync/live singing shows  to pot-luck dinners, auctions and game shows, just to name a few.

We are always looking for new members that have a passion for helping others while having fun volunteering for an organization that is filled with people who are sure  to become your chosen family.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our organization please continue to research further into our website.

 If you have any questions I would love to hear from you.

Please reach out to me directly via email at:



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Empress' Letter


Greetings UCLSE Friends, Family and Fans.  My father once told me he would never worry about me because I always surrounded myself with such wonderful people, to you- the United Court of the Lone Star Empire, Thank You for being those wonderful people in my life.  It is a true blessing and an honor to represent you as your Empress for Reign 44.  I believe that together, any dream can become our reality.

We have a rich history in our court of making a difference in our community in significant ways.  As Empress, I want to continue these traditions alongside our members who established these standards of excellence, while building new traditions and forming new successes with all of you and take our court to new levels of excellence, together- UNITED.

The UCLSE embodies great passion, dedication and commitment.  I believe in our court, our community and in YOU!

Reign 44’s legacy is Uniting the Court, the Community and the Cause.  Together, UNITED, our future has no parameters.

Much Love and Respect,                                                                                                                                                          Your Biggest Fan,



Home Bar for Reign 44: Dallas Eagle

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